September 18, 2019- 8:30am-4:30pm
Princeton Nassau Pediatrics
301 North Harrison Street, Princeton, NJ 08540
8:30 Registration and Welcome
8:45 Study Skills Elizabeth Piano
9:00 The Beginnings Elizabeth Piano Breast Development,
Lactogenesis, Important Properties of Human Milk
9:45 Infant Oral Development Carmen Baker-Clark
10:30 Break
10:45 What Should I Know? Photos, Discussion Kay Hoover
Normal Newborn Appearance
Developmental Stages
Newborn Conditions Impacting Breastfeeding
Appearance of Human Milk
12:30 LUNCH
1:00 What Else Should I Know? Photos and Discussion: Kay Hoover
Conditions of Maternal Breasts and Nipples
LC Techniques to Support Breastfeeding
2:30 BREAK
2:45 What Else Continued Kay Hoover
4:00 Q & A
List properties of human milk.
List appearances of human milk.
Identify normal newborn appearances.
List newborn conditions impacting breastfeeding.
Describe breast and nipple conditions impacting breastfeeding.
Discuss developmental stages.
Identify techniques used by LCs in difficult breastfeeding situations.
List various test taking strategies
Identify important aspects of photos, as they relate to questions
Kay Hoover, MEd, IBCLC, FILCA has been a lactation consultant, assisting mothers and babies in a variety of settings and capacities for over 30 years. Kay has worked as a private practice lactation consultant, a hospital lactation consultant, the lactation consultant for the Philadelphia Department of Public Health. She has presented workshops at national and international conferences, co- authored The Breastfeeding Atlas and served on the board of the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners.
Zanenge Ifan, BS, MPA, IBCLC managed several
WIC Breastfeeding Programs and lactation services at University Medical Center of Princeton at Plainsboro. She is currently affiliated with Princeton Nassau Pediatrics, providing lactation services in their various offices. Zee is past president of the N J Breastfeeding Coalition.
Elizabeth E. Piano BS, MA, RN IBCLC Elizabeth has been faculty at Felician College and William Paterson University, a staff nurse in labor and delivery, in maternal-newborn care and in Pediatric Intensive Care, a lactation consultant in hospitals, in private settings and the WIC program. She is an active committee member in developing the ”Breastfeeding Support Course for Nurses” at CJFHC .and teaches in the 2 day BF course.
Carmen Baker-Clark, BS, IBCLC Manager, Hoboken University Medical Center. Carmen attended Princeton University where she earned her degree in Arts and Archaeology. Her passion for breastfeeding when she became a Mom, led her to become a Lactation Consultant.
Mail Registration and Check To:
Zee Ifan
43 White Meadow Road
Hillsborough, New Jersey 08844
Call Zee @ 908-432-4378
Elizabeth @ 908-369-0723
E-mail Registration to
Pay Via Paypal
Cost $130.00
Park only in non- marked spaces. (You may be towed.)
Dress in layers; room temperature can fluctuate.
Lite breakfast, lunch, snacks are provided.
There are no CERPS provided.
There is no internet/WiFi reception.
Park only in non- marked spaces. (You may be towed.)
Dress in layers; room temperature can fluctuate.
Lite breakfast, lunch, snacks are provided.
There are no CERPS provided.
There is no internet/WiFi reception.